The Rehureks


They will help you communicate abroad.

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For your stay at the holiday destination, it's advisable to have a pocket translation dictionary. Even if you're proficient in the local language, you may occasionally find yourself in situations where you need to translate a word in a document, in a store, or perhaps at the hotel reception. You're unlikely to buy such a Czech-foreign translation dictionary on-site, so it's best to get it in the Czech Republic. Before traveling, we recommend creating a list of basic vocabulary on an A5 page - greetings, thank you, days, months, hours, numbers, names of shops, colors, etc., and learning them. You can use tools like Translator for this purpose. Occasionally, read through this little cheat sheet while on vacation.

Náš tip: cestovatel nepotřebuje rozsáhlý slovník. Stačí jen nějaký malý, obsahující základní slovníčka a fráze, setříděné podle situací. Dobrou zkušenost máme se Slovníky na cesty.

And why should you book your dictionaries through our website? We always offer you something extra:
    Information about vacation destinations in our Travel Reports
    A well of additional information in the Questions and Answers Center
    Inspiration in Trip Tips
    Travel information in the Traveler's Blog
    What you can't find, you can ask us about

Since 1999, we have been working to make your vacation more prepared, higher quality, and unforgettable. A vast number of our readers have already benefited from our information, with most of them saving plenty of time and money on their vacations.

Dictionaries are an invaluable companion for every traveler. In the offer, you'll find hundreds of them, covering many different languages.

  Prague, Czech republic