/ / Tools for Travelers / Tickets
Are you traveling for vacation by bus or train? Search for the best ticket. Here you can find not only connections for transportation there and back, but also for transfers at the destination or for travel from the airport. Don't forget to arrange travel insurance for your trip. Once you're at your destination, it may be advantageous, as well as convenient, to travel by car. Check out car rental options. Also, make sure to book accommodation at your destination. If you can't find the desired connection, feel free to Questions and Answers Center.
Our tip: You can also use the second and third pages to purchase tickets between cities in the Czech Republic. For better orientation, simply switch the currency from € to CZK. Compare specific connections in both booking systems. This way, you'll get the best price.
And why should you book your tickets through our website? We always offer you something extra:
Information about vacation destinations in our Travel Reports
A well of additional information in the Questions and Answers Center
Inspiration in Trip Tips
Travel information in the Traveler's Blog
What you can't find, you can ask us about
Since 1999, we have been working to make your vacation more prepared, higher quality, and unforgettable. A vast number of our readers have already benefited from our information, with most of them saving plenty of time and money on their vacations.
Berlín, Germany
Newcastle, united Kingdom
Prague, Czech republic