The Rehureks


Your messages and feedback about our website

 /  / Guestbook 2011

This page is dedicated to you, our visitors. If you wish to let us know that you have visited us, please our guestbook using email or by using the form provided. You can attach your observations, comments, messages. If they are suitable for publication, we will publish them and add our reaction. You are reading entries from the year 2011. If you would like to inquire about travel information, please use the Questions and Answers Center.

# 07.11.2011, 21:53.
Hello from Pilsen. I'm very glad that while searching for information about Gargano, I discovered your great website. You're amazing for providing others with your advice, and it's great that you have a passion for travel and the joy associated with it that you don't keep to yourself. I wish you could fully dedicate yourself to traveling and other hobbies. I don't want to say cliché phrases, but you're giving your children a great foundation for life; in adulthood, they will remember your trips and will also undertake them themselves. When my son was little, we also traveled a lot with him, spending, for example, the money saved for a TV and other necessities with a good feeling that we enjoyed ourselves, saw many interesting things, experienced life elsewhere than at home, tasted local food, etc. Take care and I look forward to reading more. Věra.

Thank you for the message.

# 23.10.2011, 11:31.
Hello, dear family. I enjoy visiting your website and gathering information from it for our travels. We're a couple of university students in our fifties from the Chomutov region, traveling with a jeep, which serves as our travel tool for all our adventures. We have plenty of experiences like you, but unfortunately, we don't share them here on the internet, which might be a shame because we've had many expeditions. We travel the world solo, but my wife has lamented a few times when we got stuck somewhere far from civilization. However, everything always turned out well in the end. I just want to add that your website is my favorite, and it's evident that it's made by enthusiasts and experts alike. Wishing you all the best in your future travels. Vladimir and his girlfriend Maria.

Thank you for the message.

# 14.09.2011, 12:48.
The Rehureks, I remain in silent awe that such a family as yours exists. During my midday coffee (I am retired, I have time for it), I was browsing the internet for information about Rome. My daughter lives in the Veneto region, and I yearn to explore Rome as well. Your responses to tourists shocked me. Detailed, knowledgeable information, delivered patiently, and all selflessly. I will certainly draw from your advice. As long as there are people like you, the state of the nation's morality isn't as dire as it seems. I cheer for you; I'm also from Moravia, but from the north. For now, I don't need any advice; I just had to express my admiration. Thank you. Květa.

Thank you very much for your message. It's always pleasing to hear that our website has satisfied readers.

# 29.07.2011, 04:33.
Well hello, the Rehureks! We almost share the same name, even with those little hooks over the R. I left Czechia in 1968 for Canada, and I've already spent 43 wonderful Indian summers here. I come from Uherský Brod, so I see we're almost compatriots. I worked here as a veterinarian. But I've been retired for a terribly long time now, and I'm enjoying it beautifully. For the winter, I fly off to Mexico. I love taking photos. I still have an interest in those little animals, but only the exotic ones now. I'll be glad to hear from you. I really, really like your website. I wouldn't dare to dream of something like that. Emil.

Thank you for your message. It always pleases us when someone from our homeland living in a distant land visits our website and shares their story, how they ended up there, how they live there, and what they are currently doing. We wish you many wonderful journeys in Mexico and great photographic captures as well.

# 25.02.2011, 14:10.
I'm sending you the recipe for fantastic pork knuckle. Just writing about it makes my mouth water. Pavel.

Moc děkujeme za poslaný recept.

# 08.02.2011, 16:24.
S úžasem jsem si četla Vaše rady turistům, kteří se na Vás obracejí a Vy s nesmírnou trpělivostí popisujete, jak a kam a za co stále dokola. Velmi Vás obdivuji a srdečně zdravím! Věra.

Thank you very much for the recipe you sent.

# 15.01.2011, 19:43.
Mrs. Alena, you have a nice website. I just have a question. For example, Mira's recipe for soup - 120g of beans - is that for one person or for four? I came across your website by chance, really good! About once a month, I receive a text in German. Normal everyday language. Approximately A4 in length. Nothing special in terms of expressions. How much would you charge for translating it for us? In writing and then, if needed, maybe via Skype. You won't waste time typing. Meaning, two prices. Have a nice evening. Greetings from Brno.

Soups are usually portioned for four people; you can also tell by the amount of water. We don't provide text translations.