The Rehureks


Your messages and feedback about our website

 /  / Guestbook 2013

This page is dedicated to you, our visitors. If you wish to let us know that you have visited us, please our guestbook using email or by using the form provided. You can attach your observations, comments, messages. If they are suitable for publication, we will publish them and add our reaction. You are reading entries from the year 2013. If you would like to inquire about travel information, please use the Questions and Answers Center.

# 06.08.2013, 07:55.
Great. Your assistance is quick and knowledgeable. It helped me solve a few issues on a website that I would have been searching for quite a while. Thank you for the help. And not to mention the tips for trips both at home and outdoors. Thank you for that. Aleš.

Thank you for your message.

# 23.01.2013, 00:05.
Your website is perfect and very useful. I will definitely return to it in the future. You can advise anyone, and I also found the necessary information here. If I need anything else, I know where to look. I wish you a happy journey on your future expeditions, and may your website continue to offer new information and insights from travels. Goodbye. Jarka.

Thank you for your message. We are glad that our website serves the purpose for which it was created.