The Rehureks


life in photographs

 /  / How we live / 2005

Our life is very active and diverse. As soon as the weather is nice and we have a moment, we head somewhere for a trip or some fun. Both important and less important parts of life are significant and interesting. On this page, we capture primarily the former from the year 2005, at least from our perspective. Are you interested in where we went on trips from 1977 to 1991? Take a look at the tourist chronicle. And from 2002 onwards? Check out the travel reports.

Easter treat
Easter treat
Černčín Grove
Černčín Grove
Hedeč Monastery
Hedeč Monastery
Králický Sněžník (1424 m)
Králický Sněžník (1424 m)
Waterfall in A deep Stream
Waterfall in A deep Stream
Švýcárna Chalet
Švýcárna Chalet
Footbridge in Divoký důl
Lávka v Divokém dole
Peter Stones and Praděd
Peter Stones and Praděd
Návrší Mountain Chalet
Návrší Mountain Chalet
Králický Sněžník (1424 m)
Králický Sněžník (1424 m)
Morava River Valley
Morava River Valley
Hand Paper Mill
Hand Paper Mill
Beer production
Beer production
Vyškov Zoo
Vyškov Zoo
Olomouc Zoo
Olomouc Zoo
Úlehla Forest Park
Úlehla Forest Park
Koryčany Chapel
Koryčany Chapel
St. Kliment's Mountain
St. Kliment's Mountain
Svratka River
Svratka River
Mutěnice Vineyards
Mutěnice Vineyards
Bílovice nad Svitavou
Bílovice nad Svitavou
Kalvárie Forest Park
Kalvárie Forest Park
Lesser Town Bridge Towers
Lesser Town Bridge Towers
Prague Astronomical Clock
Prague Astronomical Clock
Winter in Bučovice
Winter in Bučovice
St. Nicholas Treat
St. Nicholas Treat
Birthday Cake
Birthday Cake